Deidre Bliss, Licensed Professional Counselor

Couples Counseling

Couples Counseling

I use a specific approach to couples therapy which is thorough and has been proven to be more successful than traditional couples therapy.This approach was developed from longitudinal research on what makes marriages work from the Gottman Institute ( in Seattle. It is a hands on approach where we will work on exercises together in the therapy room. I will also give hand-outs and exercises for you to practice outside of the session.

The first four sessions involves a thorough assessment process. The first session will be an evaluation with you as the couple. During this session, the couple will be given a questionnaire to fill out and complete by the next session. The next two sessions will be with each spouse individually to learn more about each of your histories and backgrounds. The fourth session is called a feedback session where I share with you as a couple what I discovered in the assessment sessions and from the questionnaire. I will also explain the Gottman theoretical model of what makes marriages work and how you, the couple, fit into that model. From there, we will together develop goals for further treatment.

I have found this approach to be very thorough and inclusive of any issue the couple or individual may be suffering from. This allows me to be more efficient as a therapist in assisting change and growth in your relationship.

Feel free to call me at (480) 862-0180 to set up a consultation.

Couples Counseling